Commonly known as Bellflower 'Burghaltii', this is a clump-forming perennial. Erect stems bear the large lilac bell-shaped flowers during summer over ovate green leaves.
Popular for its distinctive large violet-blue bell-flowers that gently sway from long stems above spreading mounds of green foliage, 'Kent Belle' is a go-to plants for a classic cottage garden scheme.
'Jenny' is a small clump-forming perennial with green rounded/heart-shaped foliage. During summer masses of dainty white cup-shaped flowers appear with a delicate blue eye.
Beautiful white form of C. lactiflora or Milky Bellflower with violet-flushed buds that open into star-like bellflowers on tall, branching stems, from midsummer through to autumn.
Tall branching stems bear clusters of dusky-pink bell shaped flowers throughout the summer months. This self-seeding, Milky Bellflower is happy to grow in partial shade and will even withstand a ..
Commonly known as Milky Bellflower, this perennial has upright, branching stems which bear clusters of stunning violet star-like bellflowers that appear from midsummer through until autumn. This clump
Campanula portenschlagiana is commonly known as the Wall Bellflower, producing an evergreen mat of small rounded leaves with stunning violet-blue bell flowers during the summer.
This low growing, vigorously spreading perennial has masses of blue/lilac star-shaped flowers held above a mat of deep green foliage, it blooms throughout summer and all the way into autumn.
Campanula takesimana 'Elizabeth II' has beautiful dainty hose-in-hose pale pink, dusty flowers with spotted pink throats. It blooms during the summer. 'Elizabeth II' was a sport of Campanula .....
This form of the Korean Bellflower forms a low spreading mound of deep green heart shaped leaves . Branching, upright stems bear large, darkly speckled, dusty pink bell flowers, in summer.
This vigorous clump-forming variety of the Korean Bellflower has strong stems which bear large, white bellflowers with light pink speckling, during late summer.
Commonly known as a Bellflower, 'Paul Furse' is a perennial with a vigorously spreading habit. This Campanula has ovate-shaped leaves with a toothed margin. Violet-blue hanging bell-shaped flowers