'Queen of Sheba' stands out for its unusual autumn flowers - smaller and finer than other Actaea cultivars they arch away from the dark stems that rise out of the lush almost black purple foliage
Highly sought after for its very dark, almost black deeply divided foliage and the willowy bottle-brush spikes of fluffy white scented flowers that rise majestically above it in autumn
Cream flower spikes with a sweet perfume are held on slender purple stems in autumn. Many customers buy it for the attractive foliage, only to be surprised by the gorgeous flowers that appear later ..
Fragrant soft cream flowers like bottle brushes are produced in autumn on this elegant, tall statement plant, which is perfect for the back of a semi-shady border or planted in drifts through a wood..
An old and popular cultivar for good reason - lush clumps of attractive pale green foliage from which stately white bottle brush flowers burst on willowy stems from late summer into autumn
Originally bred in America 'Chocoholic' produces noble pale pink flower spikes above its beautiful dark purple-coloured foliage. The flower spikes will perfume the evening and attract pollinators ....
ACTAEA simplex (Atropurpurea Group) 'Hillside Black Beauty'
Could be grown just for its highly attractive, finely cut deep purple - almost black foliage. However as autumn approaches tall, upright to slightly arching flower stems appear bearing highly fragrant
This slightly more compact variety of Actaea has fragrant cream bottle brush flowers over deep purple foliage in autumn. Perhaps the sweetest scented of all the Actaea