At the height of summer, it can be hard for individual plants to stand out in the ongoing floral display, but 'Red Pearl's large lipstick red single flowers command attention. Neat, upright and ...
'Parrot' is a very striking Coneflower with large vibrant two tone blooms, each single flower formed of bright yellow petals deeply suffused with orangey-red at their base encircling a copper cone.
These are strong plants from the Coneflower family used as the starting point for breeding a lot of the other varieties. Available for Mail Order from April - September
A 'go-to' Echinacea for its looks and reliability. In late summer it puts on a successive display of large deep-pink single daisies each set off by a prominent copper orange centre.
Large sweetly scented flower heads of mango petals with pinky-orange basal tints encircle a bold copper coloured cone. Available for Mail Order from April - September
As its name suggests, its petals are a delicious tomato orange fading with age to soft apricot, all set off neatly by a rusty copper cone. Available for Mail Order from April - September
'Fatal Attraction' is characterised by its very strong pink coloured large daisy flowers with sturdy stems that are a dark purple/almost black colour, which contrasts well with the flower colour.....
Echinacea purpurea 'Green Jewel' has gorgeous, unusual shuttlecock like blooms which contrast extremely well with yellows, reds and oranges. Available for Mail Order from April - September