Dark green pinnate foliage grows on stems that bear purple pea-like flowers during spring. This herbaceous clump-forming perennial is commonly known as Spring Vetchling.
'Spring Melody' creates a symphony of colour during the spring. Arching stems hold beautiful dainty rose pink flowers with a white centre. Narrow elliptic green foliage forms a mound beneath the flowe
Commonly known as the Black Pea, due to it's foliage turning black as it dies away during the autumn. This perennial Lathyrus has purple/pink rounded flowers with dark stems during the summer. Leaves
Lathryus vernus is commonly known as Spring Vetchling, this plant forms a dense clump of green pinnate foliage. Blue rounded pea like flowers open from purple buds during spring.
Lathyrus vernus is commonly known as Spring Vetchling. The variety 'Dama Duet' has purple standards with a mauve keel during the spring. A clump of pinnate rounded leaves appear under the blooms.
'Gracilis Alboroseus' has a gorgeous dainty bloom during spring. The standard is pale pink whilst the keel has a white hue. A clump-forming perennial with fine long green leaves.
'Gracilis' has individual leaflets that appear thinner than those of Lathyrus versus almost linear, giving the clump a softer appearance. Deep pink rounded pea flowers bloom during spring.