This is one of the old traditional varieties, it is still a very good plant for the larger garden or for mixed borders. It makes large clumps with tall flower spikes and is best planted where it can..
The grandiflora Nepetas have an erect and upright habit not requiring any staking. This form has pale pink flowers that contrast well with their dark flower stems.
This excellent variety would be an ideal substitute for a lavender hedge in soils where lavender does not thrive. It was a new introduction in 2013, launched at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
This compact, bushy perennial loves full sun and free draining soil. Once established it is relatively drought tolerant and is highly attractive to bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Tall spikes full of numerous tiny pale lilac flowers with an aromatic scent appears above blue green foliage. This foliage contrasts well with the flowers and it's dark stems.
This perennial has beautiful large, lilac blue flowers that appear above grey foliage. Do not be fooled by the name! This is named after a place in Yorkshire where 'Low' means a 'hill'.
This Nepeta is an unusual one with pale lemon-yellow flowers that appear over very fragrant lemon scented foliage. It would be ideal planted where you can benefit from this light fragrance given off..
NEPETA kubanica has unusually large flowers for a catmint. From mid to late summer it produces tall and plump flowerspikes of deep purplish blue blooms