PENSTEMON 'Newbury Gem'

Reasonable soil
Pollinator friendly
100% Peat Free
Pot Size


Penstemon 'Newbury Gem'

Height x Spread: 50cm x 45cm

Lance-shaped glossy green foliage covers upright stems beneath the summer flowering blooms. 'Newbury Gem' has scarlet red bell-shaped flowers with a white and red streaked throat. It is a semi-evergreen bushy perennial. 

Dead head as the flowers fade to encourage further blooms. Leave the top growth on overwinter to protect this slightly tender perennial. Cut the plant back hard in the spring after the last frosts. 'Newbury Gem' is happy in any reasonably fertile, moisture-retentive, free-draining soil in either sun or dappled shade. Softwood cuttings being taken in summer. Penstemons are superb plants for small gardens providing colour over a prolonged period of time. Equally they look fabulous in cottage gardens or courtyard gardens.

H4 - Hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5)

Available for Mail Order from May - August