Plant Profiles
During autumn we can embrace a new phase in the garden, when plants develop rich hues as their leaves change colour and their flower heads fade. However ....
Updated - The new Firestars TM Series of Crocosmia has been developed by Paul Lewis, an amateur plant breeder and hybridiser, specialising in Crocosmia and Gladiolus on the Isle of Wight. Paul has ...
Available NOW - While Stocks Last
Plant varieties and cultivars come and go just like the fashions of the day, but when you are searching for a well known plant or even whole genus of plants only to find it has disappeared from plant
We have discovered, through trial & error, that PHLOX paniculata or Border Phlox as they are more commonly known, resent being cut back hard at the end of the growing season - this maybe a trait that
These are plants that have a natural summer dormancy, not an induced one due to environmental factors. They are still true herbaceous perennials..
A vast array of Hellebores (Helleborus) are available, with several pages listed in the RHS Plant Finder. With so many to choose from it can seem overwhelming deciding on the right hellebore for your
Two Early Bloomers! Helleborus orientalis are much loved and sought after for their ability to inject colour into a gloomy winter garden...
At Hardy's we have two main ways of undertaking breeding or selecting new plants. The first way is to take two plants of the same family, remove any flowers and then place them .........
Phlox are one of those hardy perennials that every gardener should include in their armoury. They can be suited to many different situations in the garden.
Known as the 'Fair maids of February', Galanthus or snowdrops are steeped in folklore, myth and legend across the UK and beyond. This tiny plant has been used as a medicine for centuries.
Are tall perennials right for me and my garden? Traditionally we think of tall plants as "back of the border plants", this is true for some tall perennials, flowers at the top of 7 foot stems need t..
In this video Rosy talks about some of her favourite Hellebores, bringing colour to a winter garden.
A vast array of Hellebores (Helleborus) are available, with several pages listed in the RHS Plant Finder. With so many to choose from it can seem overwhelming deciding on the right hellebore for your
This list shows new introductions to our range, therefore these plants may only be available in smaller batches in 2024, so its first come, first serve.
This unusual woodland plant, originating from China and of the Saxifragaceae family has rosettes of broad, reddish-brown flushed green foliage and heads of green flushed white flowers, with pinkish ..