Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Gerda' (PBR)
Height x Spread: 300cm x 300cm
Umbels of soft pink flowers open from cream buds, during early summer. The deep purple, near black, rounded leathery foliage creates a striking combination of flower and leaf. In autumn the foliage turns colour to a rich red.
Adaptable to different planting conditions, its form and habit suits a range of garden styles. It also adds impressive texture and contrast to the back of a border. In early spring cut it down to ground level to obtain the optimum foliage colour or allow it grow into a small tree or full bush by pruning hard every few years. This recently introduced deciduous shrub grows well in any fairly fertile, free draining soil with some moisture in full sun.
Blackish-purple elderberries may follow on from the flowers, however, this is predominately an ornamental cultivar.