Dornicum x excelsum ‘Harpur Crewe’
This is an underrated and incredibly useful plant that is hardy and reliable. Flowering from spring it is ideal for both part-shade areas and dappled shade under trees.
Growing to approx. 40-60cm. It has heart shaped leaves and large bright yellow daisy like flowers up to 10cm across. Sometimes referred to as Leopards Bane, this is an easy-going plant that can add an extra zing to your flower borders in spring. Some people object to yellow but this plant flowers early so is unlikely to cause a ruckus in any colour co-ordinated summer display. Use them with Primula veris (Cowslips), Daffodils or brightly coloured Tulips to great effect. It will spread gently into a good-sized clump via rhizomes. The foliage dies down in summer but it is a reliable plant that will return to make a show each spring.
It is named after Reverend Henry Harpur Crewe (1828 – 1893) who was the curate of Drinkstone and Creeting St. Peter in Suffolk before being appointed as Rector of Drayton Beauchamp. Interested in natural history from a young age, he had particular interest in Entomology and Botany.