Athyrium minimum
Height x Spread: 15cm x15cm
This lacy and delicate looking miniature fern is far tougher than it appears and is fully hardy in the UK. It is from Taiwan and has bright green elegantly cut, arching fronds. It is a moisture lover and must not be allowed to dry out completely.
Ideal for sites in partial shade. This fern performs best in soil that contains plenty of well-rotted leaf mould. A good mulch around the plant in early spring would be beneficial. It looks wonderful when planted with Asarum, Primula vulgaris, Corydalis, Lobelia pedunculata, Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’, Thalictrum kiusianum and Tellima grandiflora to name but a few. You could choose to grow this fern in a container in a shady spot but remember to water consistently.