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ANTIRRHINUM Pretty in Pink ('Pmoore07'PBR)
Bright pink flowers are produced from early summer through to autumn. The shiny, dark green, rust resistant foliage gives the plant a shrubby appearance.
'Jenny' is a small clump-forming perennial with green rounded/heart-shaped foliage. During summer masses of dainty white cup-shaped flowers appear with a delicate blue eye.
Masses of single, soft tangerine flowers with gently scalloped petals dance on fuzzy stems above hairy, mid green basal leaves. One of the longest flowering perennials at the nursery, it performs ....
This excellent variety would be an ideal substitute for a lavender hedge in soils where lavender does not thrive. It was a new introduction in 2013, launched at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
O. lindheimeri 'Chiffon' was the first Oenothera that Hardy's bred, with delicate mid pink flowers on a medium height plant it has proven popular with our customers over the years.
This stunning bi-coloured, rich purple and white flowered, shrubby perennial, is a subtler and perhaps some may say, ... £7.50 each OR 3 x 1ltr pots for £21.00
SALVIA sylvestris 'Crystal Blue' PBR (Color Spires Series)
Discovered as a chance seedling in a nursery field, this new introduction has a unique sky-blue colour that will make it a welcome addition to the garden. 'Crystal Blue' is a form of the Balkan clary,
'Mountain Breeze' produces a mass of flower spikes, each covered in pale blue flowers , during late spring and early summer. Its evergreen lance-shaped foliage creates a carpet of green throughout ..
Spires of beautiful pure white flowers, with striking blue veins appear in spring. The flowers rise from basal rosettes of lance-shaped leaves, which form a carpet of green throughout the year.