Rodgersia podophylla 'Braunlaub'
Height x Spread: 120cm x 100cm
Originating in Japan this is a handsome, architectural plant best suited to moisture retentive soil in dappled shade. It will tolerate full sun if it is kept evenly hydrated and out of drying winds.
It is a deciduous, rhizomatous perennial that is fully hardy in the UK. The large palmate leaves emerge rich brown in spring but then fade to green and copper as it matures. Tall stems with racemes of creamy white flowers open from late spring to early summer and act as a dramatic counterpoint to the rich foliage.
This pollinator friendly plant looks fabulous planted near water but it is also suited to wildlife, woodland, cottage and informal beds and borders. Division can be undertaken in early spring before the first leaves emerge.
This is a great partner plant for Filipendula, Ligularia, Astilbe, Actaea, Eutrochium, Ageratina, Tricyrtis, Salvia ulignosa, Lythrum, Astrantia, Acer and Hydrangea.