ASTER thomsonii

Reasonable soil
Well drained soil
Pollinator friendly
100% Peat Free
Pot Size


Aster thomsonii

Height & Spread : 100cm x 50

A deciduous perennial that is great for late season interest and pollinators. This is a sturdy, clump-forming plant with grey-green foliage of narrow ovate leaves and, from August to October, many ray florets up to 5cm across,  of bright lavender-purple petals with a central disc of yellow that darkens to red once pollinated.

It is fully hardy in the UK  but may become susceptible to mildew and grey moulds if the air flow around the plant is inadequate.  Plant in in free-draining, or moist to well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun.

Massively attractive to pollinators including bees and butterflies, and ideal for use as a cut flower. It can also be incorporated into wildlife, coastal, cottage, informal, city and courtyard gardens.

Slugs and snails may be attracted to the plants when young and aphids in Spring but it’s quite resilient and is unlikely to suffer significant damage.