Euphorbia 'Abbey Dore'
Height x Spread: 50cm x 30cm
A finer textured form of Euphorbia, its willowy stems are lined with narrow pointed blue-grey leaves. A neat, attractive foliage plant, in late summer it gets to 'party' with large, slightly loose clusters of vivid sulphur yellow bracts that last well into early autumn.
Thriving in full sun and free-draining soil, it is a great candidate for a dry, rock or gravel garden, where it will add zing and zest at a time when many summer flowering perennials have finished and the autumn ones have yet to get started. As you would imagine it combines well with jewel colours such as deep purples, oranges and pinks as well as bold silver grey foliage plants like Stachys byzantina. Hardy but semi-evergreen in colder areas of the UK, it is easy to look after.
Harmful if eaten, the sap is an irritant to skin and eyes.