Rosy's Planting Plan for a Sunny Border

The plants Rosy has chosen for this border will all thrive in a moderately good, free-draining soil in full sun to light shade. Rosy has picked 14 different varieties to give interest throughout the year. In some cases she has just suggested a plant Genus leaving you free to pick your favourite variety. Rosy's design is for a 3 meter x 1.5 meter border but if you have a much larger border to fill you could increase the number of plants in each group OR conversely if you have a much smaller border you could reduce the number of plants in each group.

The border has been designed to be viewed from three sides - view from the front, left and right hand sides. This sunny border plan will reach its peak in summer, however there will be plenty of interest throughout the year. Many of the plants chosen will keep some leaf even in winter. 

Click this Link For a Printable Version Of Rosy's planting plan for a Sunny Border 


The Plan

Your Border in Spring 

( 5.) Geum Scarlet Tempest ('Macgeu001'PBR) (Tempest Series) , striking, semi double, apricot suffused scarlet flowers appear on slender, hairy branching stems above mid green clumping foliage. Here it flowered from late April to late September, its stunning colour stopping people in their tracks.

( 6.) Geum 'Totally Tangerine', masses of single, soft tangerine flowers with gently scalloped petals dance on fuzzy stems above hairy, mid green basal leaves. One of the longest flowering perennials at the nursery, it performs continuously from early May into autumn. Add some spring flowering bulbs to provide some early colour - Tulips, miniature Narcissus and Crocus. 



Your Border in Summer

(1.) Cota tinctoria E.C.Buxton, large soft lemon yellow daisies jostle each other on strong stems well above the delicate ferny green foliage in mid-summer. Yellow is a colour that really draws the eye towards it, so using it in the border helps to highlight other colours.  (2.) Oenothera Rosy Shimmers ('Harshim'PBR) (G), its large pale pink flowers are held on red stems with foliage that has a purple tint initially, becoming dark green later in the season - it flowers all summer. (3.) Geranium 'Brookside', a modern cultivar that delivers intense mid-blue flowers with white centres and reddish veins, over deeply divided mid-green foliage. One of the longest flowering and brightest blue Geraniums we know. Bees absolutely love it.

(4.) Geranium sanguineum var.striatum, this ankle-high 'bloody cranesbill' forms a carpet of finely cut dark green leaves studded with delicate upward-looking pale pink flowers with darker pink veins. Lauded for its long flowering period from summer into the autumn. (7.) Leucanthemum commonly known as Shasta Daisy, there are many to choose from - pick one of the taller varieties.  Their large white daisy flowers with yellow centres appear between July and September, a familiar and classic cottage garden perennial. 

(11.) Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' carries spikes of striking violet blue flowers on purple black stems above sage scented, slightly coarse, oval green leaves. The colour combination of this perennial is simply gorgeous, the dark stems adding depth and intensity to the flowers. Widely used by designers for its impact and versatility in planting schemes, it will flower its socks off all summer into autumn. (10) Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa  bright yellow petals surround a dark brown central cone, forming the glorious flower from which the common name Black-eyed Susan originates. Flowers appear during late summer heading into autumn, held on erect stems with broad lance-shaped green foliage.

Your Border in Autumn

(12) Symphyotrichum 'Litle Carlow' (_cordifolium_hybrid) . Clouds of small, vivid, violet-blue daisies with bright yellow centres are carried on stout stems with mid green narrow foliage. 'Little Carlow' is widely admired not only for the sheer quantity of flowers it produces, but also the striking blue flowerheads. Blooms really sing out of the autumn border, catching the eye and combining beautifully with the yellow of the Rudbeckia, echoing the colour of its centres.

(13.) Vernonia Native to the North America, these tall perennials provide not only intense late season colour, but lots of pollen and nectar for visiting bees and butterflies. Their stems are stout and upright, and the leaves are lance shaped and deep green. The flowers are born in large clusters on well branched heads and range from rich magenta to deep purple. Flowering away until late autumn if dead-headed regularly. (14.) Veronicastrum virginicum 'Diane' commonly know as Culver's Root, 'Diane' has pure white, slender flower spikes which appear during late summer and last well into the autumn. The dark green, lance-shaped foliage forms whorls around tall erect stems.  The old flowering stems can be left standing to add winter structure and interest. 

Your Border in Winter

 (8.) Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'  this more compact grass produces upright narrow, fine green leaves with a silver edge and occasional small clusters of pink flowers in autumn. It looks wonderful when the  sunlight catches it, illuminating its elegant, light form and making it glow silver. Rosy intends you to leave the stems standing over winter, as other plants die away this grass will provide both structure and movement within the garden. Low maintenance, cut it down to the ground in late winter/early spring before new foliage shoots appear.

(9.) Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea 'Heidebraut'  tall, deep purple black flower spikes emerge from tuft-like clumps of narrow upright foliage and gently fade to yellow-orange in autumn. An added bonus is that it remains upright over winter and looks wonderful frosted. 

Add winter flowering corms and bulbs to extend the season of interest such as Cyclamen coum and Galanthus (Snowdrops) 


1. Cota tinctoria E.C.Buxton x 2

2. Oenothera Rosy Shimmers ('Harshim'PBR) (G) x 3 Please note these are best planted in spring

3. Geranium 'Brookside' x 2

4. Geranium sanguineum var.striatum x 2

5. Geum Scarlet Tempest ('Macgeu001'PBR) (Tempest Series) x 2

6. Geum 'Totally Tangerine' x 2

7. Leucanthemum x 2

8. Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' x 2

9. Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea 'Heidebraut' x 2 OR Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea' Skyracer'

10. Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa x 2

11. Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' x 2

12. Symphyotrichum 'Litle Carlow' (_cordifolium_hybrid) x 1

13. Vernonia x1

14. Veronicastrum virginicum 'Diane' x 2



Gaura Rosy Shimmers ('Harshim') is now Oenothera Rosy Shimmers 

Anthemis tinctoria  'E. C. Buxton' is now Cota tinctoria E.C.Buxton 

Aster 'Little Carlow is now Symphyotrichum 'Litle Carlow' (_cordifolium_hybrid)


For Mail Order: Our mail order team is very small so we’re unable to advise you on bespoke design, the specific numbers of plants you’ll need for borders which are bigger or smaller than the plans detail, or to complete quotes for online purchasing. We can only do this type of work if you visit the nursery. If you wish to purchase the plants online, use the links in the plans to find the plants. We may not have all the plants listed on the plans for mail order delivery at any one time. Our nursery shop often has alternatives and substitutes, but we can only advise and provide these if you visit us.

Updated February 2025