The cup-shaped flowers are simply exquisite, each petal is white with a magenta edge that bleeds into the main part as if dipped in ink, all over marbled glossy foliage.
Quite simply stunning, no if's no but's. Large single deep purplish-red flowers with palest lime green stamens are held on dark red stems above delicately marbled evergreen foliage
Bred by David Tristram of Walberton's Nursery, this is a relatively new hybrid cross of H. niger and H. x hybridus. H.'Walberton's Rosemary' is a sterile Hellebore producing masses of flower
Erect stems stand above the green-grey foliage, bearing large outward facing, saucer-like white blooms which age to pink and then green. Flowering from late winter into spring this evergreen Hellebore
For those of us drawn to the pure elegance of single hellebores, 'Candy Love' is one for the 'Wish List'. From January into early April, its large creamy white nodding flowers gently open in...
Well named for its white flowers blushed lime green that will brighten any shadier part of the garden and are often the last flowers to be seen as dusk falls in the late winter and early spring
Commonly known as the holly-leaved Hellebore due to the spiny toothed deep green foliage, which is similar to holly. Nodding, cup-shaped flowers appear green/yellow during late winter and early spring
HELLEBORUS x hybridus 'Magic Apricot' (Magic Collection)
Simple elegant Hellebore blooms in a range of soft pastel shades from palest pink to cream and apricot, sometimes deeply freckled, other times gently blushed deep pink or green
HELLEBORUS x hybridus 'Magic Aubergine' (Magic Collection)
'Magic Aubergine' is a striking recent introduction offering blooms in a range of dusky shades from merlot to claret and plum, its petals neatly outlined in white contrasting with bold yellow centres
HELLEBORUS x hybridus 'Magic Double Picotee' (Magic Collection)
'Magic Double Picotee's' flowers are simply gorgeous - each formed from three layers of elegant petals with delicate dark veining that surround a central boss of pale lime green stamens.