It's a GOLD at Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2024

We were thrilled to receive another RHS Gold medal for our display at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival.  Our display achieved top marks on all criteria. And again, we were thoroughly delighted as we've had challenging weather this spring and summer which has impacted pot temperatures and the timing of flowering.  As we don't force plants with heat or light our task in getting show quality plant material is made just a little more difficult. 


Rosy and Rob with their gold medal Hampton Court 2024

Rosy and Rob with their RHS Gold medal at this year's Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival.


Our display at Hampton Court 2024


Our display, in the floral marquee, of peat-free grown herbaceous perennials included: 

 Achillea millefolium 'Pomegranate' (Tutti Frutti Series)Erodium 'Felicity'Oenothera lindheimeri Freefolk Rosy ('Harrfolk') (G/v)Geum 'Totally Tangerine'


Display Hampton Court 2024

Sidalcea 'Rose Queen';  Campanula lactiflora 'Loddon Anna';   Ageratum petiolatum


Our display Hampton Court 2024

Lythrum salicaria 'Feuerkerze' (Firecandle), Penstemon barbatus 'Roseus'  Dierama pulcherrimum 

Our display Hampton Court 2024

 Aruncus dioicus 'Kneiffii'Campanula rotundifolia ,  Achillea 'Sunbeam'

Our display at Hampton Court 2024

Astilbe 'Erica' (× _arendsii_);  Liguria 'The Rocket';   Actea simplex (Atropurpurea Group) 'Brunette'


Due to the success of the display we have sold out of most plant material listed here.  But we are growing more and will have stock later this season and next year. Perhaps add these to your gardening note book for plants to consider for next summer's borders?