Small, dark pink flowers burst onto the scene during the spring with fruit following during the summer. Rubus arcticus is otherwise known as Arctic Bramble or Dwarf Raspberry. Palmate, lobed, green...
Tall, branching stems bear large golden yellow daisy-like flowers each with a distinctive green cone, from late summer into autumn. Large, green, broad, lance-shaped leaves clothe the tall upright ...
Lots of large open flowers with rolled quill-like sulphur yellow petals, arranged like spokes around a conker brown central cone, it just keeps on flowering from August through October.
Branching stems bear masses of mid-sized, daisy-like flowers from late summer into autumn. Commonly known as Sweet Cornflower, R. subtomentosa has distinctive quilled yellow petals surrounding a....
'Loofahsa Wheaten Gold' really impresses with its large single golden yellow flowers, each petal pointed and slightly turned giving them a gently ruffled bedhead look, around a rich dark brown centre.
Ever so pretty and long flowering, 'Prairie Glow' produces masses of small bi-coloured daisy flowers, each reddish-orange with yellow tips encircling a dark brown central cone.
We have all been drawn to 'Dyson's Joy's' very pretty bi-coloured flowers, a long flowering dainty pink confection that punches high above its compact size.
Deservedly popular for its willowy spikes of large deep papal-purple flowers on almost black stems and soft green foliage. Available for Mail Order from April - August
Masses of white flowers with red lips are carried on stems with fragrant small green leaves. Native to Mexico this sub-shrub will flower throughout the ... Available for Mail Order from April - August