Popular with designers and gardeners alike for the way that the dark maroon colour of this Hosta's stems gently leaches into the base of the lush mid-green leaves.
'Annabelle' is perhaps one of the easiest and most obliging Hydrangeas you can grow, it is a deciduous shrub which will grow in sun or partial shade, in free-draining soils where the overall size ..
Well-named for its glamorous floral display 'Vanille Fraise' carries very large cone-shaped clusters of creamy-white flowers that slowly mature to a delicious sugar-mouse pink.
'Early Harry' is a recent introduction from Belgium that stands out from the crowd for its looks and flowering season. As early as May its creamy white buds emerge before opening in June to form a..
Large cone-shaped clusters of icy white flowers appear from midsummer through to autumn above serrated green foliage. Bred for compactness and smaller spaces, this recently introduced shrub is much..
A succulent perennial with clustered heads of pinky red flowers from August to October. The foliage is purple/grey and is held on spreading stems that root wherever they touch the ground.
Flattish domes of small, pale pink, star-like flowers are carried high on strong, dark red tinged stems with beefy bronzed leaves. Available for Mail Order from April - September