Rosy's Planting Plan for a Border with Moisture Retentive Soil

After the wet autumn and winter we have just endured, many people are reconsidering how they select plants for the garden based on a potentially long term changing climate.  The plants that Rosy has included within this design will all thrive in a moisture retentive soil in a sunny to partially shaded position.  Soils which are traditionally called moisture retentive tend to be those with a high water table, a clay based soil or a soil enriched with lots of organic matter. If you are looking to create a bog garden or water meadow, these plants are a very good place to start. 

The area of the bed is 3 metres by 1.5 metres and of course, you can scale up or down the design as you need to fill your available space.  

Click here for a printable version of Rosy's Moist Soil Border



The Plan







Astilbe 'Hennie Graafland' (simplicifolia hybrid) (1) - feathery plumes of pale pink flowers in mid summer over attractive filigree foliage Or try Astilbe 'Fanal' (× _arendsii_)

Sanguisorba obtusa (2) - fluffy deep pink flower spikes over attractive filigree foliage in summer. Or try Sanguisorba hakusanensis 'Lilac Squirrel' or other tall varieties. 

Hosta 'Purple Heart' (3) - mounds of neat heart-shaped dark green leaves flushed purple at their base with pale purple flowers in summer. Or any Hosta variety

Inula hookeri (4) - finely fringed yellow daisy flowers in summer that open from their buds like an old-fashioned musical box. Or try Hesperantha

Hemerocallis 'Irish Elf' (5) - this form of Daylily produces small golden flowers over a long period in summer, each lasting a day 

Iris 'White Swirl' (6) - sublime white flowers. The falls are yellow at the base and gradually fade to white during early summer over fresh green sword-like foliage Or try Iris 'Silver Edge'

Ligularia 'The Rocket' (7) - statuesque yellow flower spikes with deep brown stems over clumps of large heart-shaped leaves in late summer.

Lobelia x speciosa 'Pink Elephant' (8) - upright stems full of showy deep pink flowers in summer - bees and other pollinators love it Or try Lobelia x speciosa 'Hadspen Purple'

Lychnis flos-cuculi 'White Robin' (9) - a shock of unruly white starry flowers in early summer that dance in the breeze - again perfect for pollinators Or try Lythrum salicaria 'Feuerkerze' (Firecandle) or Lythrum virgatum 'Dropmore Purple'

Primula florindae (10) - commonly known as 'Giant Cowslip' with clusters of dainty yellow nodding flowers over neat fresh green basal rosettes Or try Molinia

Primula japonica 'Miller's Crimson' (11) - stunning crimson flowers in mid summer again with the basal foliage typical of a candelabra primula Or any Primula japonica or P. beesiana

Rheum 'Ace of Hearts' (12) - great colour combination of green heart-shaped leaves with deep red undersides and veining plus pale pink flower spikes Or try Or Rheum palmatum var. tanguticum 

Rodgersia podophylla (13) - crinkled bronze foliage emerges in spring maturing to a leathery deep green with spikes of feathery white flowers Or try Rodgersia 'Irish Bronze'

Sanguisorba menziesii (14) - dark maroon bottle brush flowers in early summer - its seedheads look wonderful in winter touched with frost 

Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum' (15) - purple-red thistle-like flowers in early summer, can produce a second flush in early autumn - bees go mad for it

Trollius culturum 'Lemon Queen' (16) - delicate lemon yellow globe flowers in late spring above finely divided foliage Or try any Trollius varieties


For Mail Order.  Our mail order team is very small, so we’re unable to advise you on bespoke design, the specific numbers of plants you’ll need for borders which are bigger or smaller than the plans detail, or to complete quotes for online purchasing.  We can only do this type of work if you visit the nursery.  If you wish to purchase the plants online, use the links in the plans to find the plants.  We may not have all the plants listed on the plans for mail order delivery at any one time.  Our nursery shop often has alternatives and substitutes, but we can only advise and provide these if you visit us.

Updated February 2025 

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